
Meet the people that make up the Rotaract Club of Ottawa + see how we are involved in our community and international causes.

Take It From Our Members
Member Monday Tori Scherle Member Monday Tori Scherle

Take It From Our Members

Have you ever wondered why more than 250 000 people have joined 10.9 thousand Rotaract clubs across 184 countries? Maybe it’s the sense of being apart of something bigger? Maybe it’s the professional development aspect? Or maybe it’s for the community engagement? Why not check out why some of our members joined our club and why they love Rotaract and Rotary so much!

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Third Time’s The Charm
Member Monday Reid Tait Member Monday Reid Tait

Third Time’s The Charm

I was introduced to Rotary in the ninth grade when a friend suggested I should join our high school’s Interact club. I took his advice and joined, and haven’t regretted it for a moment. Being in Interact played a huge role in defining my high school experience, and the introduction to Rotary and Rotaract that came, as a result, has done more to shape who I am today more than anything else I can put my finger on. In my four years in Interact, I was both president and vice president of the club

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From Interact to Rotaract
Member Monday Georgia MacDonald Member Monday Georgia MacDonald

From Interact to Rotaract

I first joined Interact as a grade 9 student at my high school. The club only had about 10 members but as a new student to the school it was still intimidating doing something I had never done before. I thought it would be easier to go with a friend, so I convinced my friend to join the club with me and off we went to the first meeting. 

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