How Rotary + Rotaract Support and Build Young Leaders

Being involved in Rotary and Rotaract has given me many opportunities to be a leader, and continuously grow in leadership. I am the current Community Service Director at the Rotaract Club of Ottawa, and I am now going into my 3rd year at the University of Ottawa for English with a minor in Public Administration. Along with being Community Service Director, I have been given the opportunity to be on the Adventures in Citizenship program and I was also a student participant during my last year in high school. As well, Rotary has given me the opportunity to attend RYLA (now LEAD) North America in Washington, D.C. 

Attending LEAD North America included dinners at two Embassies: the Embassy of Uzbekistan and the Philippines, tours of the Capital, as well as seminars on leadership and teamwork. I learned about taking a step back, and taking a break every once in a while to recharge in order to remain motivated and energetic so that I do not burn out. As well, I learned about creative leadership. Not only is it important to be a supportive and motivational leader for the end goal, but it also allows everyone’s creativity to shine through in order to reach your goal in a unique way. This way, everyone is using skills unique to them, and remains excited about your initiatives. As well, seeing as I went to LEAD NA before taking on the role as Community Service Director, I also attended a community service seminar in which I learned about reaching out to other communities to see what work they were doing, and to draw inspiration and support from other Rotaract clubs. Going to Washington allowed me to meet a wide variety of people from around the world, and learn more about their international initiatives. 

Sadly, it came to a close, but I got to go back to Ottawa refreshed, motivated and full of optimism for my incoming year as an executive member of my club. Now, through my shared experiences, I am one of the incoming Co-District Rotaract Representatives for District 7040, and a counsellor for District 7040’s RYLA.  Of course, with the current issues that challenge the world today, it makes it harder for Rotary and Rotaract to move forward as planned, but I am more determined now than ever that Rotaract, and the amazing individuals within the organization, can help the world even more than before.

Thank you for reading,

Heather Taylor - CSD + Incoming DRR

Heather Taylor

Heather is entering her 3rd year at the University of Ottawa, studying English and Communications. She joined Rotaract during her first year of University. She moved to Ottawa from Ingersoll, ON and joined the Rotaract Club of Ottawa after taking part in Rotary’s “Adventures in Citizenship” program, feeling encouraged to branch out and become an active member of the community in Ottawa.


My RYLA Experience


Introducing #RotaractRevolution