and we’re back

Hi everyone,

Happy new year and welcome back. After a much needed break, we are back and ready to finish of the Rotary year strong. We have some exciting new (still virtual) events in the works and are looking foward to share them with you.

As for guest speakers, we have a few lined up but if there is anyone from the community (or beyond) that you would liek to hear speak at a meeting, please reach out to the exec team :) Rachel (our vp) would be more than happy to discuss!

Don’t forget to follow us on social media for event updates,


Tori Scherle

Tori is a entering her 4th year as a Biology student at the University of Ottawa. She joined Rotaract after having been involved in her Interact club and attending RYLA in high school. She loves photography, helping others and of course her plants. She is the current External Communications Director and was re-elected for the upcoming year.

Yoga + French Club


Mental Health Resources & #RCOServiceChallenge: Mental Health Matters!